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About The Forever Word

I’m a Christian who loves God and my family. I’m a Mother of 2 beautiful children, a 6 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son. I’m addicted to Digital Scrapbooking and Photography. I also love cooking, baking, gardening and anything that makes me excite like Blogging and travel!

Archive: April, 2013

Music stand

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

I used to play in the high school band and so I’m very familiar with the portable music stand that was almost constantly in front of us while we played on.  It was a black stand not unlike most stands that you’ll find in music stores worldwide.  It was adjustable of course so that almost any height of person could read from it, and so that it could be used standing or sitting.

It makes me nostalgic for those days of playing beside my classmates at musical recitals or just sitting in class trying to get through Rachmaninoff.  Those were the days.

We are God’s Masterpiece

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013


I do have a page in Facebook about God’s word highlighting inspirational sayings, positive quotes with spiritual outlook. It’s also about God’s creation in photography!

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10


Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

We’re presently living in a condominium style residence that looks after things like the outdoor landscaping and external house items – like the roof.  Another thing that the condominium agreement includes are the windows.  And we’ve been waiting to hear whether they are going to soon replace our aging windows.  We heard about a year ago that they were considering replacing all of the windows in our neighbourhood.

Now, obviously, since they’re making it their business, we won’t have to concern ourselves with finding the actual replacement windows.  But if I were the condo people I’d be seriously considering going with charlottesville windows for our present needs.  But I’m not.  But I can always put in a recommendation.

The Bible

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

The Bible DVD is finally here but I don’t have time to sit comfortably yet to watch it. I’m planning on taking the day off somehow so that I can watch the Bible movie. I’m dying to see it actually but I need to watch it without interruption.


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